Mistakes are Divine


“Mistakes, issues, challenges, problems…
These just show how divine you really are.

Now that, is deeper than it may first appear.

Beethoven’s 5th, please -”
The Universe

November 13, 2013: My morning message above from the Universe (TUT.com) prompted this post today.

Day#13 ~ On this lucky day, I am thankful for recognizing the blessings of mistakes…….

I read on a blog’s comments this morning: “Admitting mistakes is divine. Regretting mistakes is destructive.”

I recognize all those dark moments of being self-destructive in my own life, mired in regret and self-judgment over perceived mistakes.  Now, I am profoundly thankful for the deeply compassionate person in me that loved herself out of that self-imposed prison.

I am actually thankful now for the blessings of that heavy time… It created far more lightness in my life, and I dare say more enlightenment also. I’m thankful too for all those who loved me through it. We all make mistakes.  It’s part of our divine humanity. It’s how we learn and grow, just like children learning to walk. We stumble, fall and get back on our feet. Keep taking those steps!

Being able to be compassionate with ourselves and others while still encouraging ourselves “to be all that we can be” ~~ well, now THAT is priceless.

Savor a few mistakes today and Be Compassionate.
Lovingly,  DeAnne, Conscious Connections NOW

Here’s a bit more:

TUT Messages: http://www.tut.com/
Beethoven’s 5th Symphony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4IRMYuE1hI
image source: http://daaesha-maharukh.blogspot.com/2012/02/mistakes.html