Today ~ an Epiphany

I awoke this morning recognizing how odd this day felt.

Having the first anniversary of the attack on our nation’s Capitol coinciding with the holy day of The Epiphany (Three Kings Day or the day of the Magi) just seemed so strange and confusingly symbolic on a deep energetic collective level.

In some Christian faiths, this is a day to honor the divinity and humanity of Jesus. In most, it is the day that three wise men acknowledged the Christ child.

With America currently in its first Pluto return since the very founding of our country, it is certainly a profound time of facing our shadows, recognizing our lights and reassessing ourselves and our nation.

So….. I lit a candle and allowed its flame to burn all throughout this day.


Epiphany is the final day of the twelve days of Christmas.

I feel a call to a deeply collective healing and awakening in the alignment of events and energies present on January 6th now.

Today marks one of the earliest and longest celebrated Christian holidays.

Today is the day of the Epiphany (that honors the divinity and the humanity in the Christ child and thus the Christ consciousness in us all) and this is the day that honors a Trinity of wise ones who journeyed far to meet and acknowledge that child 


 and that Truth within us All. 


From early this morning, throughout the day and into this night…. this candle has burned bright amidst the recollections of great darkness.

Its flame still burns as I write these words with the night sky enveloping and the stars twinkling from afar.

May the coinciding of these historic events be meaningful in actualizing ‘a more perfect union’ within each of our hearts, across this country and throughout our world.

Epiphany also means a moment of sudden revelation or insight.

On this day in America, now known to have had an incite of violence, may we now experience an insight of awareness and an epiphany of divine and human recognition within ourselves and one another.

May this day become an even truer day of an “Epiphany” in our hearts and in our modern times…

With So Much Love, DeAnne

For more understanding of America’s Pluto return, feel free to read this January 2021 article by Divine Harmony,

Love is your greatest Strength

IMG_3065Love is your greatest strength. 🌹

Bring a quiet stillness within and allow the whispers of your own soul.
There is a restoration and aligning offered in the energy here.

I was guided to create this altar today. It is a love infused gift, to each of us.

A depth of soul is present, along with profound empathy, fierce gentle Grace, forgiveness across lifetimes, community encircling, hearts unifying, sisterhood restored, brotherhood honored, Belovedness embodied and The Way of Love alive.
May you know how much you are loved.

#BeReal #BeYou #BeTheLove #BeLoved


For The Sensitive Souls

“This Is For The Sensitive Souls: A Poem For Women” 🌹
~ by Carly Morgan Gross

“This is for the sensitive souls who feel it all.

For the long processors, the bedtime criers, the ones who are blinded by the light.

This is for the women who’ve had to learn the hard way that “no” is an act of respect.

For the stomachs shaken by the sight of anything impure, the hearts that give too much—is there even such a thing?

This is for the wild feelers, the primal goers, and the ones who dream of another planet that feels more like home.

This is for the girls who are shoved into who they aren’t—and for the wisdom inside their bones from the old soul reincarnated in this now.

For the ones who take any chance to be shoeless, braless, and without any worries about what comes next.

The sunshine dwellers, the earth children, the ones who have said yes to forgiveness and being held by the divine first.

This is for the women who not only run with the wolves, but bring their medicine into a society that thinks magic is just a trick.

For the ones who know there is more to life than the 9-to-5 grind and who’ll do anything to bring their art forward and get their message out for others to heal.

For the alchemists, the witches, the medicine mamas—the women who understand and overstep the matrix of fear.

This is for the women who’ve turned their “why me?” into an “it’s me” and became their own guru and source of schooling from beyond.

For the ones excited by ritual, devotion, and prayer and deflected by gossipers, gogogo’ers, and systems that forget to account for the soul’s need.

For the ones who will hold you while you’re hurting, nourish you with touch and truth while you’re processing, and create space for you to exist just as you are.

The ones who are unconditionally loving, kind, and always there—even just energetically holding your heart.

This is for the women who, at times, feel unsafe in their physical form.

For the bodies that have crashed and burned.

For the beings that have been birthed brand new.

This is for the goddesses who don’t know they are goddesses yet.

This is for the empathic angels, the introverted intuitives, and the ones who wear others’ feelings by accident on their sleeves.

For the ones who get glimpses, more and more each day, of what it is to create heaven on earth by embodying the light.

This is for the women who were told that they were too much, too sensitive, too slutty, too pretty, too feminine.

For the women who challenge their fears, follow their dreams, transcend their triggers, accept their paths, and do the work.

For the ones who crave climbing every mountain top and bathing in every rushing river.

For the ones who don’t give up and are always diving deeper within.

You are not alone.

Whatever you do, don’t hide.

Show your face. Show your story. Show your progress. Show your vulnerability.

You don’t have to have it all figured out.

Your medicine is like drops of raw, wildflower honey over a turmeric latte—and it’s too sweet not to share.

Your truth is enough.

The voice of your heart will emerge.

Stand up for something—anything, everything—you feel to be true.

They are the crazy ones, and you are going sane—this is your cue.

Closer to your inner being, you’ve found home.

And there is a web connecting you to me, and me to her, and her to the goddess in us all.

You are safe. You are held.

And we’re ready for you to proudly invoke the power that lies within.

Your purpose is to listen—deeply, intensively—and to use your body as a guide.

She is on your side.”

~ Carly Morgan Gross

Poem Source:

photograph: “White Rose & So Much Love” 10-4-17, Shrine of the Holy Redeemer in Las Vegas, NV ~ DeAnne Wolfgram

With chills, I sat alone praying and anchoring love at the church (still surrounded in yellow police tape) right beside the site of the Vegas 10-1-17 tragedy.

WE ….. are Home

Those beautiful moments infused with inspired alignment are ones I cherish.
I just experienced one of them…… img_9784

Sitting by the fire on this rainy Sunday morning, with my loving husband drifting into a relaxed nap, I am deep in appreciative contemplation.   I, like so many today, am pondering the momentous experience of participating in the historic Women’s March.

As an incredible flood of moments fill my heart and images around the world fill my mind, these words sang out across our “Home.” They came from the stereo of the young woman who is my daughter. With passion and pure spirit, I heard her clear voice singing along while in the shower. Precious chills and a knowing thankfulness move through me…..

We, my family and so many in our circles of connection, are home…. in our hearts and in a unity of spirit. We know we’re not alone. My faith in so much possibility and in humanity is pulsing today.

This morning, witnessing the outpouring of love in action and expression around the world…. I sing this too:
“Hold on, to me as we go
As we roll down this unfamiliar road
And although this wave is stringing us along
Just know you’re not alone
‘Cause I’m going to make this place your home
Settle down, it’ll all be clear
Don’t pay no mind to the demons
They fill you with fear
The trouble it might drag you down
If you get lost, you can always be found
Just know you’re not alone
‘Cause I’m going to make this place your home
Settle down, it’ll all be clear
Don’t pay no mind to the demons
They fill you with fear
The trouble it might drag you down
If you get lost, you can always be found
Just know you’re not alone
‘Cause I’m going to make this place your home”
Sung by Phillip Phillips
Written by Andrew Pearson, Greg Holden
• Copyright © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc, Cypmp
Watch Phillip Phillips original video of “Home” via this link:

Belovedness ~ The Sacred Union


This creation is an invitation, a remembrance and a celebration of the sacred union within ourselves, in our relationships and in our world. I created it with a deep sense of love, multi-layered awareness and humble awe. It was first shown to a small group at our collaborative Sacred Union Evening on April 30, 2016. Today, I vulnerably share it with you.

Today, May 22, 2016, I am also offering this on my own 23rd wedding anniversary in honor of the beloved love I have found within myself, in my life, and in the connection I now share with my husband, Brian. The image of the toes touching shown in this video are our actual toes as we sat together happily at the beach this year.

And now I offer the message I placed on this video creation:

This is an intimate remembrance and a timeless, soulful invitation to sacred union. It is a call to bring honoring, mutual respect and harmonious balance to the feminine and masculine energies within us and throughout our world, one person at a time.

The song “Thousand Years” had a potent, soul resonant feel to me from the very first time I heard it…. I felt it as a beloved timeless love song between souls, an invocation from the divine, a remembrance of the inner and outer balance of the divine feminine and divine masculine and a call from the Sacred to Awaken and embody this inner marriage, this sacred union, and this balance in our world…. It is a multilayered love song across time, both divine and human. It recalls an eternal invitation to enter into this union within ourselves first and foremost and to create that sacred marriage in our intimate relationships beyond our precious selves.

For me, I hear too…. the voices of Jesus and his beloved Mary Magdalene and all the avatar beloveds across time. With these lyrics, I hear them in turn and together speak to our hearts and souls… inviting, encouraging, reminding and loving us as we walk our paths each day and take each breath and each step.

May we recognize that we are the ones we have waited for….and embody this Way of Love.

“One Step Closer……”

~ This is an offering of love. May it touch your heart.
Blessings & Profound Love, Always, DeAnne

NOTE: All artistic work (photography, artwork, images and music) shared here in this video retains all ownership and copyright by the originating artists.

Music: “Thousand Years” by Christina Perri

Photography: DeAnne Wolfgram

with select photographs from France by Joss Burnel


* “Waterfall Ascension of Christ & Magdalene” and “Lovers at Dolphin Bay” by Sheranda Ann Kumara

* “Alchemical Wedding Sacred Marriage” by Psychedelic Goddess Art

including other images by various artists who have and retain sole ownership of their work and all copyrights


SACRED UNION ~ Uniting & Balancing the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine

Zen Trio 2

On the evening of April 30th and into the early hour of May 1st 2016, a lovely group of people gathered in my home on what is the holy day of Beltane in the Celtic tradition. The timing felt significant.  The intention was to invite in the energy and awareness of the sacred union ~ the harmonious balance and union of feminine and masculine energies ~ within ourselves, in relationship and in our world.

It was an unforgettable evening of story weaving, guided meditation and simple ceremony, to invoke and honor the sacred union within ourselves and upon the planet.

This was the first collaborative event for Zen Rose Garden partners and beloveds Heather Rodriguez and David Caren and Conscious Connections NOW founder DeAnne Wolfgram. It was a significant experience for us all and for those sharing in the gathering. Personal healing shifts and notable life experiences occurred both before, during and after the gathering that were incredibly validating. The communion, vulnerable personal sharing, authenticity, heart intimacy, mutual witnessing, genuine awarenesses and ceremony shared in that small group that evening were life affirming. The ease, acceptance and presence were palpable. We undoubtedly invited the sacred union and this harmonious balance into our lives. We also invoked this on behalf of our world.

Here is the blended description of the evening’s focus co-written by Heather, David and DeAnne.

Now we know…. We are the ones that we once waited for….

Within our hearts and beneath the stars, we are invoking the Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine in a beautiful balanced harmony…

For eons, the two have been out of sync in our world, from once dominant ancient goddess cultures through centuries of masculine driven religion and patriarchy, Now we arrive in our current Awakening Era where the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine are finding The Way to each other ~ creating a more powerful connection than anything we have yet experienced.

Our evening together acknowledges and ignites this catalyzing harmonizing synergy, individually and collectively. Come join us for this Sacred Union, energizing it within your life and throughout our world.

David and Heather will explore our shared collective reunion journey while offering personal stories of their own path to finding this balance within themselves, creating it with each other and bringing that vision to others.

These beloved partners of Zen Rose Garden will be sharing a beautiful love story of reuniting and reigniting this sacred union after so many years of sorrow, fear, and lost love. Sprinkled within their own story is a joyous tale of lost lovers reuniting after eons of travels to the furthest depths of the darkest times on a quest that finally emerges into the flames of passion and truth. The yearning of True Love sated and harmony restored. A special experiential passage will be offered to all present.

The evening promises a journey into BELOVEDNESS…..BEING part of this ancient and present day Alchemy.

May we each help anchor this balance in our world.  Blessings….

DeAnne will offer her own potent personal story as a messenger of the Sacred Union, walking in the footsteps of ancient love and awakening to the Beloved within herself and her longtime marriage. For the first time in a communion with others, she will offer both shared sacred union ceremony and energetic activation of the Beloved within.

The significance of this gathering within the energies of Beltane cannot be understated. We are recalibrating ourselves individually and invoking this much needed Union both personally and collectively. The evening will bring nourishment for ourselves and for our world. Thank you for BEING part of this ancient and present day Alchemy.

May we each help anchor this balance in our world. Blessings…..

Seeing With New Eyes


Fascinating personal phenomenon….
My distance eye sight has been significantly improving with each optometrist visit over the past few years, after thirty years of being near sighted!  Today I learned that it’s 50 points better in each eye. That is substantial. Wow!!
My doctor said (with a smirk) that, in one respect, my eyes are returning to their baby vision. I remarked, “Hey, I’ve got Merlin eyes. They’re youthening!!” He smiled at that (and then we proceeded on with our philosophical, political and educational discussions…)

As I contemplate this morning’s experience, I see a variation on a recent theme.

SEEING WITH NEW EYES…. It’s come forward often and in a variety of ways, through various people…

My doctor and I got talking today on topics that dealt with many aspects of life that we each find discouraging, unsettling and even disturbing about our country and the times we are living in now… Hmmm… I SEE that it’s time to look upon all this with clearer vision and fresh eyes…

We can utilize our REAL-Eyes and REALIZE…how we each can play our role in creating the VISION of the world that we wish to see… FOCUSing on the new that we want to create and following through with actions that support that VISION.

Since the theme of SEEING WITH NEW EYES..has come up again and again, via posts, messages and ‘signs’ shared among my friends and family, I believe this is all quite spot on….

I “Queened” my Closet & Life.

Image source: Do It Girl on Facebook
Image source:
Do It Girl on Facebook

I “Queened” my closet today! 

It’s remarkable how a woman cleaning her physical closet experiences such a journey of Self. It’s a cleansing, remembering, self realizing, ‘letting go’ and life honoring experience. I actually appreciated every moment of it today.

Now I have a ‘Queened’ closet and a “Queened’ Life! Here’s to treating ourSelves with honor.
Blessings to you each and always, all~ways, So Much Love.  D*


This Moment


I awoke this morning to the soothing sounds of rain cascading down upon our Mojave Desert.  My morning self Reiki beneath the covers was especially deep, soothing and warm. Puppies nuzzled my face and we all emerged to greet this day of 1-11-15.

In Angel Number meanings, 1-1-1 has great significance. It is a message and a time to be especially attentive to our thoughts and feelings. We are encouraged to focus upon what it is that we truly want and desire to create in our lives and in the world. This morning feels like a perfect time for that deep soulful attention, reflection and creation.

I’m in the midst and mist of a serene, deeply inward morning on this calm, cleansing and rare rainy day here in our Mojave Desert. The rain drops are dancing on the top of the pool water, cascading from the roof and creating a beautiful symphony of soothing flowing music.

Loving life this morning and feeling at peace. It’s a blessed experience for this 1-11-15 day. Yes, peace IS more of what I wish to create within myself and within our world. As we each take responsibility for creating our own inner peace, the outer world responds and transforms in kind. I truly believe that.

So this morning and today, I will look upon these sweetly inspiring images that are meaningful to me and lovingly, intentionally focus upon what I wish to create. Like the steps in my home and backyard, I’ll remind myself to take one step and one breath at a time. There’s no rush, no need to over do….simply to BE and to follow the guidance of my own inner compass. Now is the only time I have. Everything in life has led me to this moment, and this moment will be the foundation of everything that is yet to come. I’ll sink deeply into “this moment” with PRESENCE marrying both my Being and Doing from this.

Blessings for peaceful moments to each of you and all~ways, always…. So Much Love. D*

There Are Lives That Only You Can Touch

“Because your existence in time and space is unique, there are lives that only you can touch.”

WOWZA!!!! That message really hit home, soul deep, for me… I felt the resonance of it when I first read it and recognized how very true it is.  We are each created with purpose and unique potential. This message and image conveyed it for me in a powerful way unlike few other posts or pieces I’ve encountered.  It struck home on a very energetic, pure inner level for me ~  bypassing ego or anything else that might have wanted to question my significance.

This message and image originally came to my attention when Marilyn Hager’s Facebook post was shared by my dear friend Audrey. I then humbly borrowed the image and offered it on our Conscious Connections NOW community page. It was heartfully received by many, and it prompted a dialogue this morning that felt very important to share. I asked my friend LeeAnne if I might quote her so that I could offer this conversation here. She kindly and immediately said, “Of course.”

I am so deeply thankful for conscious aware connections with people and the way we are each supporting one another in awakening to our truth, meaning, contributions and potential in life. I believe our conversation will ‘hit home in you. This is something we all feel at times and sometimes too often… Here is this morning’s conversation:

LeeAnne Fontana Montes  ~  Often times, I think people wonder if they really make a difference in the world. When you bring it down to such a personal level, it really changes how you answer that.
I’m never going to be Mother Teresa, but any time I make someone smile, or do a kindness, I touch the life of someone who might not have had that moment if I hadn’t been there.

LeeAnne’s open self-aware message brought forth  my own soulful reply.

  DeAnne Wolfgram ~~ So often people discount their own contributions believing them to be insignificant or at least not substantially important… THIS really struck me when I read it realizing that we may never know our impact on the world at large through the people we touch, but our seemingly small contributions are really and truly THE BIG stuff of Life. We are doing The Great Work in the purest of personal ways. IMAGINE a world where everyone was this aware of their PRESENCE and brought this level of BEINGness to living every day. That’s the world we are creating.

  • I agree. I’ll never be Mother Teresa. Her soul signature isn’t mine, but The Way she went about her work in the world IS the model for us all. She focused on one person at a time, the one right there with her – the one whose heart called to hers. That IS what the masters each demonstrated.

    I witness your mastery honey. The world needs you the way you are. The world needs us all and what we uniquely bring.  Love

    So Much Love