Giving AND Receiving

I am so very grateful to have some kind, capable people here at our home helping to care for our landscaping today and tomorrow. We are do-it-yourselfers here usually (though we simultaneously are always fostering community in our home and our lives…)

I am now recognizing those moments when our self-care and contribution includes employing others to help with tasks that would take us a very long laborious time to complete. It’s actually another form of fostering community. It allows us to engage in other areas of our lives while receiving help and contributing to someone else’s abundance. As two eldest children, we’ve been accustomed to hard work, dedication and doing things ourselves – from building this home to landscaping the acre and on…..and on…

Today, I am appreciating RECEIVING help and KNOWING that while my husband enjoys a day in nature (which he dearly loves) neither he nor I are having to prune, lift, dig, fix irrigation lines, uproot or haul. We’re not being lazy. We’re actually contributing. I’m not sure I’d completely thought of it that way before this moment.

APPRECIATING that perspective and feeling deeply thankful for all the ways we humans give and receive…..

We Can Find a Better Way

“Come and Stand Beside Us…. We Can Find a Better Way.” 

I created this video in 2011 in honor of the 10th anniversary of 9/11.  I still vividly recall the moment that this song came on my car stereo just days after that tragic world changing event…..

On that day in September 2001, I was contemplating the fear we were all struggling with in the wake of this horrific event. I was in the midst of driving home from a Montessori teachers workshop and recognizing the resonance of Dr. Maria Montessori‘s visionary belief that “Hope Lies Within the Child.” All of That was on my mind and heart as John Denver’s “Rhymes and Reasons” began singing out over my car stereo. His voice of optimism gave me hope and filled my heart in that moment…. And then, I was flooded with chills as the line “Though the cities start to crumble.. And the towers fall around us” called out…. That very event had just shockingly happened in our world and John Denver wrote and sang of it in 1969!

It still sings so strongly….

May we continue learning that The Power of Love can overcome the fears in this world. Hope does lie in the children and we can come together. “Come and stand beside us. We can find a better way” 

DeAnneConscious Connections NOW

Rhymes and Reasons ~ John Denver

So you speak to me of sadness
And the coming of the winter
Fear that is within you now
It seems to never end
And the dreams that have escaped you
And the hope that youve forgotten
You tell me that you need me now
You want to be my friend

And you wonder where were going
Wheres the rhyme and wheres the reason
And its you cannot accept
It is here we must begin
To seek the wisdom of the children
And the graceful way of flowers in the wind

For the children and the flowers
Are my sisters and my brothers
Their laughter and their loveliness
Could clear a cloudy day

Like the music of the mountains
And the colours of the rainbow
Theyre a promise of the future
And a blessing for today
Though the cities start to crumble
And the towers fall around us
The sun is slowly fading
And its colder than the sea

It is written from the desert
To the mountains they shall lead us
By the hand and by the heart
They will comfort you and me
In their innocence and trusting
They will teach us to be free

For the children and the flowers
Are my sisters and my brothers
Their laughter and their loveliness
Could clear a cloudy day

And the song that I am singing
Is a prayer to non believers
Come and stand beside us
We can find a better way

Words and music by John Denver


Life’s Roller-coaster!

What a roller coaster life has been of late…… and yet that’s just it isn’t it?!!!

LIFE…… it’s quite a ride. Hands in the air!
All together now……WEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Conscious Connections NOW — with DeAnne Wolfgram.



The Divine Feminine ONE is gentle yet fiercely loving… She is having HER way with us and through us.

She comes in many forms through wise, wondrous and wild ways…

SHE IS arising in our world through the force of love, awakening within male and female alike, balancing us from within, cleansing wounds, raising our truth to the surface, healing old outmoded patterns, eradicating distortions, insisting upon transparency, harmonizing the divine masculine and sacred feminine within, evoking a nurturing for self, others and the environment, inspiring community, bringing collaboration, teaching unity, empowering feminine values, clearing ego, enhancing our natural gifts, embracing our True Selves, embodying Spirit, imbuing Soul wisdom and transforming the world through the power of Love.

Keep Opening to Her. She gently fiercely wants to Love You. And so it IS.

Stand in the Center of Your Beingness


Many of us have enormous hearts and big visions.  We long to see people living their fullest expressions united together in genuine collaboration with mutual trust, authenticity and acceptance while working together toward common goals.  Many of us are continually taking action and creating this in our personal lives, communities and careers.  I am.

This vision begins… within.  Many of my colleagues and friends are embracing their own empowerment. They are continuously learning, teaching and modeling the “true power” that comes from withIN.  We are in a time now for discovering this power inside ourselves, each and every ONE of us.

It’s also true that ‘discernment’ is key.  Empowerment relies upon us listening to and heeding the direction of our own inner compass.  Others may not respond well to this.  They may truly prefer us unempowered.  We must empower ourselves anyway and learn to collaborate.  I had many lessons around this in 2013 and the early days of 2014 and witnessed many more. This is not always easy to navigate and those who teach it are continuously learning themselves.

One instance, one lesson in particular, was immensely challenging for me personally.  I know I will continue learning and growing from it for a very long while to come.  I also know now that even though my heart may carry a true message (of healing community, allowing forgiveness and renewing love) I must be clear and discerning about how, where and when I share it.  I did not do this entirely well in that instance and yet I trust some universal plan has unfolded.  It seems it had to happen.  I am called now from deep within to truly walk my talk now.  I bless that situation with Love and let go.  The energy of possibility and limitless love allows for so much that I cannot see.  I will trust that. I will act now from renewed integrity to myself and others.  My inner compass is recalibrated.  I appreciate what I have shared and learned. Now, life moves forward. There is no going back to what was. There is only what IS and creating what will BE.

I know I can choose and continue to choose to believe in people and the higher vision while being discerning in the day-to-day living of life. Trusting my own intelligence and inner hit of intuition is key and all of us are learning that more and more.  As I wrote in a personal post weeks ago, I have never in my life burned any bridges. Relationships flow and change with the fluid nature of Life and growth, within us and around us. May we always bless them with love. They may be only for a reason or a season or they may return to us with renewal. Let us remain open to possibility yet always true to our own knowing, our own inner compass.

We all continuously learn and grow yet must always take responsibility for the energy we bring into each moment of life and give out to others in thought, word and deed.

Love is the constant and the ultimate truth to live by. Kindness is key.  What we do to others, we do to ourselves.  It’s time to realize how truly interconnected we are. We have got to walk our talk!

One of my dearest friends, Edgy Mystic Melynnda, a trusted colleague/peer/mentor/sister/friend, said to me in early December 2013, “All that triggers separation is not from Source. Stand in the center of your Beingness.”   That phrase of wise insight simply poured through her. THAT was empowering and a powerful validation at the time. It continues to be.


My own father once told me I was THE most nonjudgmental person he has ever known. One of my best friends agreed yet told me I had often saved all of my judgment for myself. Now, I have had a lifetime of learning about the energy of judgment.  I simply can’t inflict that type of violence on others or myself anymore.  Intentional loving choices prevail more now, from the inside out for me. There’s plenty of imperfection along with plenty of gentle strength, integrity, ever-deepening wisdom and profound love.

I will continue to renew and do this.  May we all “stand in the center of our own Beingness.”

It’s truly empowering to know we get to choose for ourselves, every moment of every day, with every thought, every word and every action. We are that powerful. We get to choose.

I CHOOSE LOVE….. over and over and over again in every moment that I can…..

I choose to create from that place and collaborate with others who make that same choice.


Now let’s create that world we envision, one choice at a time, together.

The Message: Feminine Collaboration

Today the topic of feminine collaboration was at the forefront.  I journaled and the subject was top priority as the words flowed.  Posts on Facebook, an email with a friend, conversations on the phone, through it all the topic continued to rise to the surface.  On this day of a New Moon, it appears feminine collaboration is on the rise.  477906_10200865239649859_1525624570_oIn timely synchronicity, I also openly shared from my heart two potent messages in a group of women I value.  This included a vulnerable newer level of authentic transparency I had not offered of myself to them before today. It was at first unnerving to be that open, but before I pressed the ‘return’ button to share it, I breathed inward to the center of my Being.  I trusted myself to speak my truth and did it. The experience was empowering, and it did foster a collaborative essence among those women. When we are authentic, we truly do create the space for others to be the same.

In my collaborative work with Sacred Circle Retreats, this topic was right there today too. We have been planning an Awakening Woman series for a long while, and those plans have now materialized in a 5 week course being offered in early 2014. Illuminating-Essence-by-Lisa-KubikThe registration just went live this weekend.

We are readying ourselves to collaborate at a whole new level.

All around me I see this collaboration, or the challenge to achieve it, unfolding.  We are birthing a new paradigm.  And  today, this ‘birthing’ theme was evident too. As all these exchanges took place among women in my circles, a dear friend gave birth to her long-awaited dream-come-true baby girl. Another friend announced the birth of her granddaughter. The births were twenty minutes apart.

The simultaneous unfolding of all of these events today was awe-inspiring and even a bit energetically overwhelming. I found myself continuing to trust, open up, breathe and allow what wants to be born ~~~ in me, through me, among those I interact with, and in concert with those I collaborate often.  More and more I find myself trusting and allowing it all  to come to life in the world.  That was my additional birthing lesson today. What an extraordinary time we are living in now. Much is being born. Many are awakening to their power to create, and their ability to collaborate.

The day, for me, was full of momentous messages of many kinds, phone calls, conversations, announcements and deep open sharing among many women in my life.  I spoke with, wrote to or messaged with a wondrous array of friends today amidst much news and awareness.  One friend spoke of having a cold. I was reminded of my own process the past two weeks. The parallels were there. I mentioned having had strange shoulder pain and difficulty sleeping last night. She gasped and relayed that she had experienced the very same thing with the same shoulder and sleep issues as well.  I can’t say I understand everything that transpired today, but it was quite something. To add to the synchronicities, my dear friend Jackie L. Robinson shared this timely post at Sacred Circle Retreats, the virtual retreat forum where she and I collaborate with several wondrous women to offer a safe sanctuary for sharing, transformation and personal evolution.  Here is her post. It was all about feminine collaboration:

Sacred Circle Retreats

Awakening Woman –

I walked from the computer after sharing Jackie’s Sacred Circle Retreats message to see a Hawk perched on the wall behind our house eating her dinner. The sunset’s light was cascading, the mountain was colored behind her and she was illuminated. Image

Oh my goodness….. The hawk is symbolic of the messenger. Yes, I definitely received the message today, and I am taking it in.  And this too was yet another synchronicity, one of my dear friends shared on Facebook earlier that a red-tailed hawk had swooped close over her head hours earlier. She was overcome by the close encounter. I felt the same with my sunset friend and had yet another magical bird encounter earlier.  That one came via a text from one of my closest friends.  She had a visit from a roadrunner just as we began sharing our text conversation. The last time a roadrunner had come to the window of her Texas home was exactly two weeks ago today when she and I were having a Skype conversation.  She hadn’t seen one since then and here it returned again as we conversed. She and I marveled at it’s appearance. Hawks and a roadrunner… feathered friends of all kinds are making significant appearances. Native Americans and many cultures speak of animal encounters bringing teachings, lessons and messages.

So, yes, Winged Ones….of all kinds… I am listening… I am paying attention.  I am open to the messages you bring. I am thankful, and I am in awe…… The message today was to give birth to collaboration.