Intuition Truth Chills

This morning has been filled with those moments, conversations, messages and sensations of an unseen momentum….

Have you ever felt something like this???

You KNOW you are moving forward in some significant way, but you may not have a clear picture of what that looks like. You feel the tingling of excited, high vibe energy and you simply take a breath, settle into a remembrance of TRUSTing the unfolding and then ‘zing’….in the next moment an intuitive thought, picture, message or spontaneous impulse comes……

AHhhhhhh…. Ah…Ha…..

Then those luscious, glorious, scintillating truth chills fill your senses. Hairs stand up on your arm.  A tickle of otherworldly sensation runs through your arms and legs. The inner awareness says, “Uh Huh…MMMmmmmm Hmmmm…” and you don’t even know what you’re replying to. Yet, you know something very validating just happened.

Yep. I just had one of those moments.  Whatever part of Self has that expanded outlook on one’s life, just smiled inside me….like a parent watching a child have a moment of success… I honestly don’t know clearly what just happened, but I know that I’m ON to something withIN me and for my Life moving forward….

I’ll just keep practicing that TRUST and deLight in the soulful electricity of synchronicity.

My validation came simultaneously.

The number ‘909’ just came forward for me in a very significant way… In addition to my own inner impressions of it, I looked at this passage on a resource that I appreciate. Zing…. Ah-Ha and Yes…

“……now is a most auspicious time to look to your options. As a lightworker your responsibility is to empower, inspire, enlighten and strengthen others, and encourage them to be responsible for their own choices and actions.

Angel Number 909 encourages you to follow your gut instincts and listen to your intuition. Your intuition brings you inspiration, guidance, visions and ideas to ponder and pursue that are intended to guide you in the direction of your highest good. Be in touch with your intuition as this is your inner-guidance system. Your inner-guidance system speaks directly to you through all of your senses, allowing you to make positive choices for your life in every moment.”

So…’s to listening in…..trusting our inner GPS….following that intuitive guidance system and enjoying the unfolding journey like a delighted child on an adventure…

Wink. Wink. 😉

Ooh-oo child ~ Things are gonna get easier

Here’s a Musical Message for Today. ❤

This spontaneously began singing in me yesterday out of nowhere, right after I’d had my own challenging feelings of major worry arise… It is not a song I ever think of, so I immediately felt the calm of my own higher wisdom and precious unseen comforting.. ❤ It was very much like angelic music straight to my heart in that moment. May it comfort you too. D*

Ooh-oo child
Things are gonna get easier
Ooh-oo child
Things’ll get brighter
Ooh-oo child
Things are gonna get easier
Ooh-oo child
Things’ll get brighter
Some day, yeah
We’ll get it together and we’ll get it all done
Some day
When your head is much lighter
Some day, yeah
We’ll walk in the rays of a beautiful sun
Some day
When the world is much brighter
Ooh-oo child
Things are gonna be easier
Ooh-oo child
Things’ll get be brighter
Ooh-oo child
Things are gonna be easier
Ooh-oo child
Things’ll get be brighter

Some day, yeah
We’ll get it together and we’ll get it all done
Some day
When your head is much lighter
Some day, yeah
We’ll walk in the rays of a beautiful sun
Some day
When the world is much brighter
Some day, yeah
We’ll get it together and we’ll get it all done
Some day
When your head is much lighter
Some day, yeah
We’ll walk in the rays of a beautiful sun
Some day
When the world is much brighter
Ooh-oo child
Things are gonna get easier
Ooh-oo child
Things’ll get brighter
Ooh-oo child
Things are gonna get easier
Ooh-oo child
Things’ll get brighter
Right now, right now
(You just wait and see how things are gonna be)

~The Five Stairsteps – Ooh Child

Life’s Roller-coaster!

What a roller coaster life has been of late…… and yet that’s just it isn’t it?!!!

LIFE…… it’s quite a ride. Hands in the air!
All together now……WEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Conscious Connections NOW — with DeAnne Wolfgram.

A Dream & So Much Love

Perusing my writings today…. I came across this dream that I had ten days ago. It followed three weeks after a communication gone badly with a soul friend, a person who has been a catalyst in my life. I learned so much from that. I honed my core, my inner resolve, my discernment, my boundaries, my forgiveness, my strength and my authentic truth. It was painful yet purposeful.

I find I am so capable of carrying and flowing enormous love.  In life, in death, in everything, only love remains. ❤

This was a beautiful loving dream of understanding shared between each of us. Though our very human selves fumble at times, all of us, the call to truly love ourselves and share love with others is ultimate truth.  This dream felt like an acknowledgment of that. No matter what comes of this now, whether our friendship is eventually restored in fullness here or lovingly let go by each of us, Love remains. Spirits and Souls know that. I’ll trust the unfolding.

Here is my dream of my soul friend and I:

The energies flowed between us and so much was shared.

I dreamt that she was sitting at a breakfast table with me. Her hair was in soft curls and lit from behind by the morning sun. Though her eyes squinted, her presence was much softer. As I gazed at her, the sun shone golden behind her and gave a soft shadowing to her face. She wanted to connect with me. There was still a slight edge but much more softness to her.

We exchanged our views easily, and she commented that we needed a sense of closure. That was how the dream ended.

On the day of this dream I attended a funeral service for a friend’s father, and later I went with dear friends to the panel discussion “Does It Matter if Jesus Had a Wife?” at the university. Synchronicity abounded. Deep conversations were shared. I learned of a friend’s mother’s death that morning. I would learn of another mother’s death the next morning.  It is such a reminder to love while we are here.

Interestingly, my teenage daughter had had a dream just a week before of this same soul friend reuniting with me in our home. In her dream, we two were apologizing to one another, sitting on the couch talking with heartfelt focus and then “hugging it out.”

Dreams, waking moments of meaning… all of it stirs wonder.  I let go of the outcome.

There is a divine orchestration. I am honoring it, trusting and appreciating.. Behind it all is SO MUCH LOVE…..

Will you hold another???


Will you hold another???

It has been an especially tumultuous week for many that I know, and many more, in our world…. I’m sure many of you have felt this and witnessed it.

As Matt Licata shared in his poem of the ‘Beloved’, we are being called to dive into the depths of our broken open hearts.

No one can truly do this for us but ourselves. Yet, we are not alone, ever.  As we witness those dear to us in profound pain or confusion, we can hold them. This ‘holding’ of another is not always a physical act of touch, words or support.

It can potently be an act of energetically holding the space of deep trust…..
Holding deep trust that they will fall INto themselves in this process.

In whatever way we are called, may we ‘hold’ one another through our processes of awakening and becoming…. of owning and loving all of who we are. There is so much love here, within and around each of us. I ‘hold’ this vision with you. ‘Holding’ on to Love, always. DeAnne, Conscious Connections NOWSacred Circle Retreats

This post by Matt Licata stirred me today as I witness and ‘hold’ dear ones who are struggling and yet emerging into the fullness of who they are.

“Will you hold another who has been touched by the darkness within? Will you love them enough to allow them to fall apart in your arms? To unravel, to become unglued, and to feel unbearably lost as the wisdom of their process unfolds? Will you be the space in which they can finally meet the feelings and emotions that have been kept at bay for a lifetime? To love another in this way you must toucheverything that is unresolved within you – all of your own unmet sadness, abandoned shame, discarded grief, and deserted aloneness. You are willing to no longer stay safe on the sidelines. You are willing to get messy. Even gooey and drippy.

Will you set aside your need for the other to change, to be different, to be “cured,” to be transformed, and to be healed? Will you resist the temptation to talk them out of their embodied experience, to tell them everything will be okay, and to dishonor the creativity hidden inside the unwanted? Will you allow your heart to break with them, and endure the urge inside you to put it all back together again? Will you fall into the unknown with them, holding them close, and provide a home for their brokenness?

To care about others, yourself, and the world in this way you must stay radically embodied. You are no longer interested in transcending suffering, confusion, and neurosis, for you see these as thundering expressions of the path itself. Please don’t turn away. As your attention moves out into the conceptual world, return to the wild intelligence of your body, for it is there that love is working behind the scenes, giving birth to its sweet activity in this dimension.

It is in this factory of love, which is operating as the temple of your own body, where the sacred world is revealing its essential secrets of healing: there is no “other,” there has never been an “other,” and there could never be an “other.” There is only the reflection of your own being.

Love is taking the pieces of your heart and is using them to re-assemble the world in front of you, each as an invitation sent to reveal to you the preciousness of what is really happening here.” ~ Matt Licata

Original “Will you hold another” post and verse by Matt Licata.

“The beloved is alive…” by Matt Licata

Sacred Resonance

Sacred Resonance

Savoring Sacred Resonance ~

Pause for a moment.
Let those thoughts drop away.
Breathe.  Allow.

Melt into this Moment.
Feel the Trust… 
Be The Love…
Breathe it in.

Coming home within is that simple. Truly it is…. 

It is Sacred Resonance.

This deep, sacred feeling of presence filled me this morning on a rainy autumn day in the Mojave Desert.  In moments like this, stillness resides and awareness infuses; at times,  inspiration pours through…  I know that this simple verse will help me spiritually center and focus at other times in the future.  Just remembering the glow of this candle, the rain cascading outside and the feeling of presence will allow me to connect back to it once more. I am thankful for this stillness and savoring these moments of sacred resonance.

A Broken OPEN Moment

“Let love guide you into the next broken open moment.”

One of my dearest friends, soul sisters and collaborators at Sacred Circle Retreats wrote this message this morning:

“We are all being nurtured and guided by Divine Feminine energy to expand our heart space. Let go of the idea we need protection from heartbreak…as the continual expansion cannot be contained.  Welcome the coming changes without expectations. Let love guide you into the next broken open moment. M*”

I am experiencing this today…Thank you for this message and guidance Melynnda, Edgy Mystic.

As I slowly take my time to place lights on our holiday tree and allow my entire body its healing assimilation from an extended cold, I was listening to a Super Soul Sunday episode. It features Mark Nepo. I had watched another with him yesterday, and I marveled at the timing of Jackie sharing her gorgeous Prayer post by him at Sacred Circle Retreats today. Oh how our lives so often parallel with our dearest ones. We all know that well.

Moments ago listening to Mark discuss his journey through cancer and how we have all experienced loss in some way my heart broke open even further. He said, “What opens us is never as important as what it opens….” I was awash in tears as the rain continues to cascade outside. For me, memories of the trials of cancer, the loss of bearing children and all those other seemingly overwhelming moments of challenge in my life just melted into right now. I AM HERE BEING.  I am here being more of who I always wished to be, accepting the constancy of change and flow, of uncertainty and fresh awareness, of it All. I looked down at all the colorful Christmas tree lights in my hand and felt that Christ that lies within us all. The blessed tears still flow… There are those moments when we truly bless the journey and where we are in the moment, and we feel the PRESENCE residing within and through it all. This was one of those moments.

“What opens us is never as important as what it opens….” ~ Mark Nepo

Yes, truly ~ “Let love guide you into the next broken open moment.” M*

Eternal Flame

May the eternal flame burn brightly.

May it spark more souls to Peace.

May it ignite more hearts to live their own “Profiles in Courage.”

May it forever remind us to honor and live our own legacy.

We honor this today, on this day, November 22, 2013 ~ the 50th anniversary of the passing of the torch, as visionary President John F. Kennedy left this world. May his eternal flame burn brightly forever….

.JFK's Eternal Flame ~ Arlington

~ DeAnne Wolfgram, Conscious Connections NOW

photograph: “Eternal Flame”, DeAnne Wolfgram 2008

Note: This blog post and message were shared at 11:11 AM PT, November 22, 2013.

Holding Hands & Hearts

Holding Hands & Hearts

This is a time like no other.  Holding hands and hearts is important and potent.

~ DeAnne, Conscious Connections NOW

Destiny, I’m ready now.

We are Ready!

We are ready to bring more of the fullness of our own unique “humble magnificence” to life. So many of us are feeling this surge of passion, purpose, courage and creativity.

What an EPIC time! What an extraordinary Life!
Ready to LOVE through every moment.

Thank You Destiny! We’ve Got This Now!!!!!

This fantastic post was shared this past Monday, November 18, 2013 by Melynnda Button, our Edgy Mystic of the virtual spiritual retreat forum Sacred Circle Retreats.

My fellow Sacred Circle Retreats guide Melynnda and I had just shared an immense, wondrous and even a bit intimidating personal session for me. I have felt the call to step up and step INto my soul purpose now. Together, we collaboratively discussed this and received insights. She encouraged me not to feel overwhelmed by what presented itself to and within me.

Less than an hour later, she posted this Destiny message.

I was smiling, tearing, beaming and KNOWING ~ this is true.

The days of following and playing small are done for many of us. It takes COURAGE TO BE all of who we are and who we came here to express and manifest in this world. Thankfully, so many of us are holding one anothers’ hands and hearts during this transformative time, encouraging each other to generate that inner courage ‘INcourage’, trusting our divine and inner guidance and following those nudges of our knowing within.

Lao Tzu said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

With inspiration, Melynnda shared this with me later the same day, “Each step forward strengthens the next.”

Step by step….. along our paths… the journey of life blossoms for us all.

Enjoy your journey everyone.
Your destiny is ready for you now, and you are ready to live it.