Today, I honor it all


Today I honor a very personal anniversary, the 19th one in fact.   This special day marks nineteen years since passing through the portal of having cancer in my womb and enduring a sorrowful give-away at the age of 27.

What a passage it was, and continued to be, long after that fateful day nineteen years ago.  I still remember it vividly. I’m certain I always will.

What I know now is that I am a wiser woman for having had to give my womb away at such a tender age and live without the fulfillment of my dream of a second child. I am wiser for the courage it called forth in me and for the compassion it drove home in my core. It IS indeed our wounds that allow the light in and allow it in ways that we would never have dreamed of….

I may not have given birth to another child, but I did give rebirth then and many times since to this woman that lives in my body. She knows a way of loving now that is far more expansive than any body’s womb could ever have held. That give-away led to a gift that I continually give and receive now, through my way of being in life and through what I am able to give life to in other ways.

So today, for all that it carries in meaning for me, I honor it.
I light this candle and I honor it.

I honor the wisps of grief and tenderness that remain, even after nearly two decades.
I honor the dreams and the unanswered prayers.  I honor the prayers that came to be and the little life that did not.

I honor BEING alive myself, living the blessed life that I have.

I honor my husband and daughter who’ve been with me through that and much more.
I honor my family and friends who encircled me then and now.
I honor those with whom I’ve walked the path of life, whether it has been for a few moments or for many years.

I honor all the myriad of experiences, feelings, realizations, lessons and evolutions that have been lived these past nineteen of my forty-six years of this life.

I honor my own process of living, now more than ever before, and I honor the woman that I Am with all my scars, flaws, frailties, insecurities, eccentricities and uncertainties that are partnered with my continual courage, compassion, creativity, myriad talents, softness, strength, intelligence, intuition, flowing and deepening knowing.

I honor all that I continue to discover and to offer.
I honor life lived authentically and lovingly.

Today, I honor it all.


This IS the dawning of our Love. We sisters, our brothers, our Lovers, our circles, the Sacred Feminine, the Divine Masculine, the Sacred Union and the BELOVED connections are Awakening. 

This song is singing out for ALL OF US………

And of course, it happens to be 11:11 as I first shared this. Gotta love it!!


I feel you
Your sun it shines
I feel you
Within my mind
You take me there
You take me where the kingdom comes
You take me to and lead me through
This is the morning of our love
It’s just the dawning of our love
I feel you
Your heart it sings
I feel you
The joy it brings
Where Heaven waits
Those golden gates and back again
You take me to and lead me through
This is the morning of our love
It’s just the dawning of our love
I feel you
Your precious soul and I am whole
I feel you
Your rising sun, my kingdom comes
I feel you
Each move you make
I feel you
Each breath you take
Where Angel’s sing
And spread their wings, my love’s on high
You take me home
To glory’s throne by and by
This is the morning of our love
This is the dawning of our love
This is the morning of our love
It’s just the dawning of our love

~ “I Feel You” by Depeche Mode


Wow…. I love this song… I love how it arrived in my life, and I love all the layers of meaning and messages it conveys…. for us ALL. xo Wowza! ~~~~ I FEEL YOU. Love, Always, DeAnne



The Divine Feminine ONE is gentle yet fiercely loving… She is having HER way with us and through us.

She comes in many forms through wise, wondrous and wild ways…

SHE IS arising in our world through the force of love, awakening within male and female alike, balancing us from within, cleansing wounds, raising our truth to the surface, healing old outmoded patterns, eradicating distortions, insisting upon transparency, harmonizing the divine masculine and sacred feminine within, evoking a nurturing for self, others and the environment, inspiring community, bringing collaboration, teaching unity, empowering feminine values, clearing ego, enhancing our natural gifts, embracing our True Selves, embodying Spirit, imbuing Soul wisdom and transforming the world through the power of Love.

Keep Opening to Her. She gently fiercely wants to Love You. And so it IS.

Love Bomb

It's Loaded

LOVE is my weapon of CHOICE.

It IS loaded, and I am not afraid to use it. 
LOVE BOMBS AWAY ~ Today and Every Day. xo

DeAnne, Conscious Connections NOW

Our Entire Landscape

Let us not access ourselves, or anyone else, by the low valleys, plateaus or epic mountain heights we have journeyed.

The entire landscape has value.

The entire landscape of who we are has infinite value.
Drink in all the scenery and the journey that You Are.

~ DeAnne Wolfgram
January 17, 2014

Stand in the Center of Your Beingness


Many of us have enormous hearts and big visions.  We long to see people living their fullest expressions united together in genuine collaboration with mutual trust, authenticity and acceptance while working together toward common goals.  Many of us are continually taking action and creating this in our personal lives, communities and careers.  I am.

This vision begins… within.  Many of my colleagues and friends are embracing their own empowerment. They are continuously learning, teaching and modeling the “true power” that comes from withIN.  We are in a time now for discovering this power inside ourselves, each and every ONE of us.

It’s also true that ‘discernment’ is key.  Empowerment relies upon us listening to and heeding the direction of our own inner compass.  Others may not respond well to this.  They may truly prefer us unempowered.  We must empower ourselves anyway and learn to collaborate.  I had many lessons around this in 2013 and the early days of 2014 and witnessed many more. This is not always easy to navigate and those who teach it are continuously learning themselves.

One instance, one lesson in particular, was immensely challenging for me personally.  I know I will continue learning and growing from it for a very long while to come.  I also know now that even though my heart may carry a true message (of healing community, allowing forgiveness and renewing love) I must be clear and discerning about how, where and when I share it.  I did not do this entirely well in that instance and yet I trust some universal plan has unfolded.  It seems it had to happen.  I am called now from deep within to truly walk my talk now.  I bless that situation with Love and let go.  The energy of possibility and limitless love allows for so much that I cannot see.  I will trust that. I will act now from renewed integrity to myself and others.  My inner compass is recalibrated.  I appreciate what I have shared and learned. Now, life moves forward. There is no going back to what was. There is only what IS and creating what will BE.

I know I can choose and continue to choose to believe in people and the higher vision while being discerning in the day-to-day living of life. Trusting my own intelligence and inner hit of intuition is key and all of us are learning that more and more.  As I wrote in a personal post weeks ago, I have never in my life burned any bridges. Relationships flow and change with the fluid nature of Life and growth, within us and around us. May we always bless them with love. They may be only for a reason or a season or they may return to us with renewal. Let us remain open to possibility yet always true to our own knowing, our own inner compass.

We all continuously learn and grow yet must always take responsibility for the energy we bring into each moment of life and give out to others in thought, word and deed.

Love is the constant and the ultimate truth to live by. Kindness is key.  What we do to others, we do to ourselves.  It’s time to realize how truly interconnected we are. We have got to walk our talk!

One of my dearest friends, Edgy Mystic Melynnda, a trusted colleague/peer/mentor/sister/friend, said to me in early December 2013, “All that triggers separation is not from Source. Stand in the center of your Beingness.”   That phrase of wise insight simply poured through her. THAT was empowering and a powerful validation at the time. It continues to be.


My own father once told me I was THE most nonjudgmental person he has ever known. One of my best friends agreed yet told me I had often saved all of my judgment for myself. Now, I have had a lifetime of learning about the energy of judgment.  I simply can’t inflict that type of violence on others or myself anymore.  Intentional loving choices prevail more now, from the inside out for me. There’s plenty of imperfection along with plenty of gentle strength, integrity, ever-deepening wisdom and profound love.

I will continue to renew and do this.  May we all “stand in the center of our own Beingness.”

It’s truly empowering to know we get to choose for ourselves, every moment of every day, with every thought, every word and every action. We are that powerful. We get to choose.

I CHOOSE LOVE….. over and over and over again in every moment that I can…..

I choose to create from that place and collaborate with others who make that same choice.


Now let’s create that world we envision, one choice at a time, together.

As bright as the light on the Luxor


I woke up this morning on the final 13th of 2013, or more precisely the final Friday the 13th of 2013, with a very insistent image in my mind. Again and again as I tried to doze, I kept seeing the bright spotlight of the Luxor Hotel in my mind’s eye.

And then, I was reminded of something I hadn’t thought of in quite a while, one of the best compliments of my life.

In 1994 at the conclusion of a personal growth seminar, an aquaintance came up to me and gave me that gift. He was a fireman I knew of from my husband’s fire department, but we did not know one another well. As everyone was exchanging expressions of gratitude and goodbyes, this man looked me in the eyes with an immense expression of awe.

He took my hand and with a wonder and emphasis to his voice said,

“YOU are as bright as the light on the Luxor!”

Needless to say, I was stunned and humbled at his remark. It has stayed with me ever since. I saw him again this year, twenty years later and told him that he had given me the best compliment of my life. He blushed and smiled. I gave him a huge hug.

I’ve lived in the Las Vegas/Henderson Valley for 36 of my 43 years of life.  For the past twenty years, I have had various moments of driving at night and finding myself captivated by the luminous light of our landmark Luxor.  Those words speak to me yet again, “You are as bright as the light on the Luxor.”

I’m still humbled by that, yet many, many times it has empowered me.
It’s beam is brilliant, radiant, powerful and can be seen throughout the valley, and at times even from space. I hope that I may say at the end of my life that I managed to shine my light as brightly as that.

Waking to this very insistent image and hearing these words again this morning, more began to stir within me. Scenes of synchronous moments in my life came to the forefront and inspiring visions I’ve had over the years. I feel them beginning to align, to clarify and to point the way for me, much like that glorious beam of light.

Today, I’m reminded to shine my own light brightly without hiding or dulling it and to encourage others to do the same.

Afterall, we are all truly luminous, “as bright as the light on the Luxor.”


Message and Luxor images (via iPhone)  by DeAnne Wolfgram

A Broken OPEN Moment

“Let love guide you into the next broken open moment.”

One of my dearest friends, soul sisters and collaborators at Sacred Circle Retreats wrote this message this morning:

“We are all being nurtured and guided by Divine Feminine energy to expand our heart space. Let go of the idea we need protection from heartbreak…as the continual expansion cannot be contained.  Welcome the coming changes without expectations. Let love guide you into the next broken open moment. M*”

I am experiencing this today…Thank you for this message and guidance Melynnda, Edgy Mystic.

As I slowly take my time to place lights on our holiday tree and allow my entire body its healing assimilation from an extended cold, I was listening to a Super Soul Sunday episode. It features Mark Nepo. I had watched another with him yesterday, and I marveled at the timing of Jackie sharing her gorgeous Prayer post by him at Sacred Circle Retreats today. Oh how our lives so often parallel with our dearest ones. We all know that well.

Moments ago listening to Mark discuss his journey through cancer and how we have all experienced loss in some way my heart broke open even further. He said, “What opens us is never as important as what it opens….” I was awash in tears as the rain continues to cascade outside. For me, memories of the trials of cancer, the loss of bearing children and all those other seemingly overwhelming moments of challenge in my life just melted into right now. I AM HERE BEING.  I am here being more of who I always wished to be, accepting the constancy of change and flow, of uncertainty and fresh awareness, of it All. I looked down at all the colorful Christmas tree lights in my hand and felt that Christ that lies within us all. The blessed tears still flow… There are those moments when we truly bless the journey and where we are in the moment, and we feel the PRESENCE residing within and through it all. This was one of those moments.

“What opens us is never as important as what it opens….” ~ Mark Nepo

Yes, truly ~ “Let love guide you into the next broken open moment.” M*

Eternal Flame

May the eternal flame burn brightly.

May it spark more souls to Peace.

May it ignite more hearts to live their own “Profiles in Courage.”

May it forever remind us to honor and live our own legacy.

We honor this today, on this day, November 22, 2013 ~ the 50th anniversary of the passing of the torch, as visionary President John F. Kennedy left this world. May his eternal flame burn brightly forever….

.JFK's Eternal Flame ~ Arlington

~ DeAnne Wolfgram, Conscious Connections NOW

photograph: “Eternal Flame”, DeAnne Wolfgram 2008

Note: This blog post and message were shared at 11:11 AM PT, November 22, 2013.